Are you jobless?Are you searching for new job? There's a good news for you as the giant social Network site - Facebook launched "Social Jobs" to help people find jobs according to their preferences.
Last year Facebook partnered with U.S. Department of Labor, the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), Direct Employers Association, and the National Association of State Workforce Agencies (NASWA) to create Social Jobs Partnership App.
And today, Facebook announced the partnership with BranchOut, DirectEmployers, Work4Labs, Jobvite, and to launch a free Social Jobs Partnership (SJP) app, which in total currently lists more than 1.7 million jobs hosted on FB.
The tool has a very simple layout with many options like user can search by entering a main keyword for the job, can give their preferred location (zip code, city or state) and even within a particular distance,can choose an industry for the job followed by type of work in subcategory. Isn't it much easy to search for jobs even on Facebook?
Readers - Would you use Social Jobs App to search jobs? And Do you like this awesome effort by Facebook?
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