Facebook news feed will now display relevant and real-time stories on the top than other stories.
Yesterday Facebook announced another change in their news feed algorithm. In this new change Facebook emphasizes to show the relevant and fresh content to the users. According to a blog post written on FB newsroom, Facebook news feed now track the latest trends and display content related to the trend more quickly in comparison to other posts. For ex. If a newly launched movie is trending, Facebook will push up the posts related to the movie on the top of news feed because they're more timely.

Facebook's latest update to news feed will consider two factors that will determine if a story is more important at the moment than other types of updates. First is the trending topic and the stories related to it, will shown at the top of news feed. And second is the rate of engagement on the posts that will determine if the story is more important. So, let us explain each factor separately.
Facebook trending topic as soon as it occurs, will be pushed at the top of your news feed. So, you can immediately know what your friends or favourite Pages are saying about the stories of the day. And if any your friend, your liked pages post content related to the hot topic, that will also be shown at the top of your news feed than any other stories.
The second factor for determining the important story to show in the news feed is - the rate of engagement in the post. According to the Company software engineers Erich Owens and David Vickrey -
Currently one of the signals we look at is the total number of likes that a post has received when determining how high up to show it in News Feed. With this update, we are going to begin looking at when people are choosing to like, comment and share.
So, it means once the engagement (Likes, comments, share) on the post dies, Facebook will consider the story as less relevant. Yes, you got it right!
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Facebook will soon rolling out these updates for the Fan pages too and the same thing will apply here too, If a page post about a trending topic or a post getting great engagement at the time of publishing story, will shown at the top of news feed early but less exposure over time.
So, what's your views on this change in Facebook news feed algorithm? Do you think, it worthy change and will increase your Facebook experience? Share with us in the comment section. And stay subscribed to us from our Subscription page to get latest Facebook updates and insights in your inbox!