If like most of us, you have been questioning Facebook’s acquisition of WhatsApp, and it’s motive behind pushing an extra messenger rigorously. You finally might be able to breathe a sigh. Not a big gasp of relief, but a sigh, nonetheless. Almost a year after Facebook acquired WhatsApp, there finally seems to be a move that will integrate both the social media giants. Reported in Geek Times, the new Facebook android update will add a ‘send’ button along with WhatsApp Logo on the bottom panel of the posts in news feed. Which means, that now apart from being able to like, comment and share, the users will be able to also send the post to any WhatsApp contact.
Images on a tech website shows that the soon-to-be released Version of the Facebook Android app will now include a WhatsApp icon as an option in the status actions button.

Happy Sharing!
Thank you, it gives me information. The existence that integrated button will be useful to make easy the access.