On Monday the giant Social Network site Facebook unveiled a new feature - Facebook Shared Photo Albums which lets multiple users to add photos to the same album.The album creator can add up to 50 contributors who can upload and share photos up to 200 each. There's a new privacy setting that lets album creators to share the album just with the contributors, contributors friends or can also make it public. The contributors can also invite their friends to upload photos to the album.

According to Mashable - This new feature was built by the dozens of Facebook Engineers during Hackathon and was inspired by user feedback. However Google+ already having the similar feature.
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This new Facebook feature is available on the desktop right now and is rolling out the small group of English user first before it went internationally - According to a Facebook spokesperson. He also added the feature is not available for the Facebook Fan Page albums as of now but we're working in adding more functionality to the feature such as increasing 200 photo limit per contributor and mobile support.
Readers: Do you like this Facebook new feature? How will you use Facebook shared album? Share us in the below comments.