In this World of Social Media, Privacy is very important to keep your information safe and to be in the limit of your selected friends circle. And when comes to the Social media Facebook is the largest social site which holding more than 950 million users. We all use Facebook to share our best moments, promoting new business, expanding audiences and to stay connected with our best buddies. And to keep our personal info and updates safe, we use the sites privacy settings.
But today I am going to reveal one thing that most of the folks don't know on how your personal preferences are shared publicly by Facebook to promote their social sidebar ads. I think most of the Fb users don't know about Facebook Social Ads and how they work and what should you do to remove your name from these sidebar social ads. Let me tell you more information on social ads and how they work. And I will also tell how to stop Facebook from sharing your personal info via these social ads.
Recommended Post : An Ultimate Guide to Facebook Privacy And Security [Must Read]
What is Facebook Social Ads?
If you are uncomfortable in sharing your personal preferences with anyone, you can disallow Facebook to use your personal interests in promoting their social ads. Lets learn how to do it.
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Mohini Puranik says
Very important guide brother. :-). I was surprised to see how our information is used by Facebook. Very useful info for Facebook users'privacy protection.
Govind Choudhary says
Thanks di for your kind words! Yeah,it's very important to be active on these type of social sites as they keep changing its privacy policy and settings.Recently,Instagram(Popular photos sharing Service)updates its policy that it can use your photos and personal data in their advertising options And as soon as people got this news they started leaving the service.And finally Instagram have to roll back policy on Advertising 😀
Shelley says
I had changed my settings to No-one a long time ago. I still get all sorts of ads on my homepage..these must be from a different source...I clicked the X to remove them, but then others just pop up in their place...hmmm...any ideas?